Saturday, 31 March 2012

the truth is aq susah untuk suka perempuan bertudung ..BUKAN XSUKE BUT SUSAH SUKE tatahu knpe ..n aq paling x suke klu perempuan pakai nail colour n lipstik ..i dont even know why i hate this type of girl dont ask the same question again =.=

actually aq bnci bnde nie sbb aq pernah gadoh ngn pompan yg pling aq syg sbb bnde nie tinggalkan kesan kt bahu kemeja aq n clash on the spot ..defak -,-"

yg nie plak sebab dy mngingatkan aq kt pompan yg aq syg n now dh xde pape sbb clash psl kesan lipstik tu ..what a jerk dude =..=

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


nmpk en tjok atas tu ? hahahah cuti midsemm yg pling best buad aq ..hahah nk tau knpe ? sebb last 2 day before cuti abes aq ride sakan oww ..puas giler ..lpk ngn geng skuter kuantan AGR n ikot event dyorg kt shahputra pown best jgk ..cuci mata ..ramai awek ooooo ..syok ..tpy x syok mcm merembat mlm tu ..hahaha merembat ke pekan mmg something yg aq xkn lupe bole dok sebelah moto iman gtr 170 ..perghhh bangga sial ..even aq still xdpt potong atan n afiq ..xpe2 tnggu new machine aq smpai ..siap la korg ..hohoho ..dgn ejay skli aq tapau ..hohohoho ..tu bru citer first da ..second day laen plok ..dh puas merembat jalan lurus kini tibe mse utk bercrite mse merembat jln corner plak ..tpy sblom tu jln blik ke temerloh mmg mmbosankan ..sebab ats highway dyorg x merembat ..time tu solutionnye aq lpk sorg bia tngl jaoh then bru aq kejar dyorg smule ..dh smpai temerloh ? moto mr.p plak buat hal ..carb dy over flow ..on the spot repair ..siap jgk dlm mse 45 minit ..then prjalan dtroskan plak yg jdy pilot lead konvoi ke bera bwk relax2 jer ..then smpai jer sign board kawasan kemalangan singnal yg aq bole bg kt mber2 lain just bubye pecut dulu ..hahah nk tau sbb ap ? sebab depan tu ad corner ..heeee~~ best siak ..lme gile x merembat corner jalan tu ..memang meriah la dgn mer aq lg 2 org yg follow dri blng ..ngehhx3 ..tu bru corner part one ..blom part 2 ..yg nie lg meriah ..mber aq plak lead ..corner 3 beradik bera mmg btol2 top ..sbb corner 2 dipngil 3 beradik sebb ad kmlngan yg pernah berlaku kt itu n mnyebabkan 3 adk bradik maut ..tpy kteorg bertiga selamat ..mmer belah kuantan biing sbb tinggal kan dyorg ..sory geng mmg sangap nmpk corner nie ..hhuhuhu ..g bera sbb nk g knduri kawin umah apih ..slmt pengantin bru bro ..trima kasih jmput ..mmg special lauk yg ko sediakan utk kteorg ..abes cite umah apih ..ON BIKE ! now let's go to tasik bera ..jalan ke sne pown bole laa la corner yg mnarik tpy x mncbr sgt ..kt taik bera kiteorg spent mse sme2 like a family ..mmg best ..mcm2 kiteorg  buat ..hehehe ..dh laa mls nk taip pnjng2 ..nh tgk jerla gmbr yg ad ..

UGPC n AGR at Shahputra

nie kt pekan ..kuantan ke pekan 15 mnit merembat

UgPCian and AGRian

we are UGPCian family

cari la aq yg mne 1 ..

to all UGPCian i'm proud to be one of this family!